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Board Meeting Bulletin | September 10, 2024

Posted Date: 9/09/24 (12:00 PM)

Collage of District photos
Board Meeting Bulletin
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Meeting Information
September 10, 2024 | 6 PM
Livestream Access
Agenda items
Below are some agenda items that may be of specific interest
Facilities Development Update

District staff and Studio W Architects will provide an update on the Sowers Construction project. Their report will cover progress on design, construction, and finances. They will also update the Board on the M&O Building and Bus Storage Facility projects.
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Update

The District has been studying the installation of HVAC systems since 2018, focusing on schools without existing systems. After further evaluations, a new feasibility study was initiated in 2022 for Dwyer, Eader, Peterson, and Smith schools. District staff and Salas O’Brien, the project’s design team, will present an update to the Board, covering project plans, estimated costs, funding sources, and the proposed timeline.
Resolution Recognizing October 2024 as Dyslexia Awareness Month 

The District recognizes October 2024 as Dyslexia Awareness Month, joining efforts to raise awareness about dyslexia and promote collaboration among staff, families, and the community. This recognition aims to support the identification, treatment, and prevention of dyslexia to ensure student success. There is no fiscal impact associated with this resolution. Approval of the resolution is recommended.
Resolution in Support of SB 1315 to Improve School District Reporting 

The District supports Senate Bill (SB) 1315, which aims to streamline the reporting process for California school districts. The bill would require the California Department of Education to assess and reduce the number of state and federally-mandated reports that districts must complete. There is no fiscal impact. Approval is recommended.
Resolution in Support of California Proposition 2, Public Education Facilities Bond Measure 

The District supports California Proposition 2, which focuses on funding public education facilities. This bond measure aims to improve and modernize school infrastructure. There is no fiscal impact associated with this resolution. Approval is recommended.
2023-2024 Unaudited Actuals

District staff will review the 2023-2024 Unaudited Actuals, which provide a financial summary of the district's unrestricted and restricted funds. The total ending balance is $20,962,245, with allocations for reserves, restricted funds, and future expenses. The unrestricted fund balance increased by $768,063 due to higher interest rates, one-time grants, and unspent funds. No changes have been made to the 2024-2025 budget, and updates will be reflected in the First Interim Report. Approval of the report is recommended.
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