Dear Seacliff Elementary community,
We are excited to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year!
As we prepare for the upcoming academic year, it is time to complete your child's online data confirmation. Please read through the following information carefully, as some important changes to the data confirmation differ from previous years. These updates have been implemented to streamline and enhance the process.
If your student is returning to a Huntington Beach City School District (HBCSD) school, you already have an account. If you are new to HBCSD, you should have received information on how to log in to your Aeries Parent Portal account.
Login credentials:
Your username is your email address
Your password is the same as it was last year
If you have forgotten your password, request a new one using the "Forgot Password" link on the login screen. The system will email you a link to reset your password.
We recommend completing this process on a desktop or laptop computer. Mobile devices are much more challenging to use with this system. If you need assistance or access to a computer, contact the school office at (714) 841-7081.
When you log in to the Aeries Parent Portal, you will start the data confirmation process to verify and update information. There will be documents to review and complete electronically as part of this process. Once you have completed the data confirmation process, you may print the data confirmation document to keep for your records (you do NOT need to provide a signed copy of this form to the school’s office).
Some important data sections to note include the following:
School Funding form:
HBCSD is pleased to continue offering free school meals to all students for the 2024-2025 school year. Help support our schools to access all available funding for student academic programs and other essential services by completing the School Funding Form (also known as the Meal Application Form). Listed below are additional benefits you may qualify for by completing the School Funding Form:
Discounted utility services
Discounted internet, phone & cell services
Reduced cost benefits toward school bus pass
Increased funding through the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)
Support staff funding
Technology funding
Discounted internet costs for the District
Provide equipment grants to improve meal quality
Income Survey (Alternative Income form):
The Income survey (also known as the Alternative Income Form) is essential (and separate from the School Funding Form) to your child's school receiving the appropriate funding based on your provided information. The information submitted on the form is a confidential education record protected by all relevant federal and state privacy laws of educational records.
The California Department of Education (CDE) has changed how it funds public education. The funding system is called the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). A Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is developed using the LCFF funds based on the needs of students and families in our schools. Additional funding is allocated to districts with students that meet certain criteria of being an English learner, Foster Youth, and/or Socio-Economically Disadvantaged. To receive the additional funding, our district must be able to identify if your child meets one or more of the above criteria. These funds will support our schools for things such as promoting safer schools, offering students increased college- and career-ready opportunities, and increasing parent training opportunities.
If you prefer to skip the Alternative Income Form, don’t check any boxes on the Alternative Income Form tab, then click the ‘Confirm and Continue’ button. This will prompt a message window where you can select ‘Decline to Respond’ to proceed to the next tab.
Student bus passes are available on set routes for $254.00 per semester. Students may be eligible for free bus passes if they qualify under one of the following criteria:
Low Income (Qualifies for free and reduced lunch)
English Learner
Foster Youth
McKinney Vento
To find more information on the bus stops or submit your application, please visit the District website under the Transportation Department webpage.
Emergency contacts:
Please be sure to add contact information for individuals to whom your child may be
released if the parent/guardian is not available in the event of a school emergency
or disaster.
Data confirmation website:
Your child's teacher assignment will be available on the Aeries Student Info/Demographics screen on August 30, 2024, after 4:00 PM. You must first complete the data confirmation process to access this information.
We thank you for your assistance and ongoing support with this important process.